Consisting of a plastic drink bottle (eg cola bottle)with the bottom inch cut off.the bottle is then placed into a bucket of water(or kitchen sink)until the neck of the bottle is showing above the water.You then proceed to put on the gauze(tinfoil with small holes in it)tightly around/on the mouthpeice of the bottle and then fill with your desired substance(usually cannabis).Ignite the substance until it turns red,proceed then to slowly pull up the bottle drawing in all the smoke until the bottle is nearly out of the water.Remove the gauze immediately,then press down on the bottle into the water inhaling all the smoke,but sucking at the same time!hey presto.
by megamong May 2, 2009
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A word that can be used as a substitute for "prostitute" in front of small children. Originally coined on the TV show Reno 911!.
Oh, look. There's a bucket goin' down on a Puerto Rican right there.
by Hurricane-D October 20, 2010
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Where you shit when you have no other choice.
Person one: Dude, I gotta take a dump but there’s no toilet.
Person two: Don’t worry, there’s a bucket right there.
by curlypoo December 24, 2020
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a goofy lookin mafucka, happens to be dumb.
by khype November 29, 2019
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'Bucket' is a commonly used term describing a wide vagina cuased by a lot, and I mean A LOT, of sex. Usually used as an insulting term, but some women seem to be proud. When explaining the term 'bucket', some people tend to use the anecdote 'like throwing a sausage down a corridor', which means a penis (the sausage) going into a wide vagina/bucket (the corridor).
Guy 1: Damn, that girl's hot.
Guy 2: Mate, I wouldn't. Loads of people of said she's got a bucket. Imagine throwing your sausage down that corridor.
Girl: Don't talk about my bucket like that! I'm proud!
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Sick, awesome, something cool
Gerb and I just greased the S rail to blind 2 out back to back! Buckets!
by Jerdbird January 2, 2011
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A pale; can be used to carry stuff
Grab that bucket! We gotta leak!
by D Rive December 13, 2004
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