A sexy badass that is a total addict to working out this guy gets all the ladies. He's a total attractive magnet
Wow look at Brett !
by Casecase67 September 23, 2017
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Brette's are a passionate and fierce breed of woman. Their intelligence and wit are unparralled and can blow anyone out of the water with a meer phrase or a wink. Playful and sexy, but watch out, their feisty natures may leave a mark. One love bite and you may turn into a proverbial cliché puddle at her feet. They have the biggest of hearts. Dogs flock to them like the salmon of Capistrano. They can often be found in their natural habitat, frolicking around amidst nature like the curious little bees they are always ready to rumble.

Nothing compares to being loved by a Brette.
1st Girl: "i found a Brette in the garden the other day. And she bit me"

2nd Girl: "well that's it you lucky bastard! You're hers for life now."
by Papidontpreach August 5, 2019
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Brett, a guy that can fight, got a whole lotta home boys, likes to be single, lotta girls like him and wish to go out with him but he just wanna be single, hates it when a girl likes him but she to afraid to tell him, he can make friends with u easily and really strong.
Friend: To u seem my dawg Brett
Friend2: Yea he was just fightin now he messing with a girl
by WoWthat'scrazy 47 April 17, 2019
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A person who thinks Evan and Lucas are complete autistic retards, and tells them to shut the fuck up when they ask to work together.
Lucas: "Hi Brett"
by bluke68 April 10, 2019
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brett usually a white male who loves pornography and does not like black guys
yo whose dat man, yo its my boi brett
by RayVulpes February 6, 2019
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when your playing a video game (such as halo) and you friend takes off in a vehicle, leaving you behind.
Dude, I died because you pulled a freakin' Brett.
by Rylen & Aj December 11, 2007
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