American postmodernist author of the mid 80's to the current day. Ellis was one of the so called Bratpack of American authors of the 1980's along with Jay McInerney and Tama Janowitz.
Ellis writes exclusively in the first person present tenths,as if the character is narrating the book.

Ellis's first novel 'Less Than Zero'(published while still in College) was a critical and commercial smash. Dealing with the vapid lives of wealthy California teens back from College for the Christmas hollidays. Ellis followed this up with 'The Rules Of Attraction' a college melodrama set in a thinly disguised Bennington college. It received less positive reviews. Then came Ellis's most famous and controversial book 'American Psycho.' The shocking book detailing in gruesome detail the exploits of stock broker and psychopath Patrick Bateman, drew howls of outrage from critics, NoW, and Ellis even received death threats.
What was lost in the furore was that Ellis's book was a scathing satire on the 1980's and as the author himself has said, largerly a feminist book.
Ellis didn't publish another full length novel (the patchy short story collection 'The Informers' aside) until the '99 novel Glamorama. A international thriller dealing with fashion model-terrorists and the increasing shallowness of society it was easily his longest book to date and the hardest to get into.

In 2005 Ellis released Lunar Park a so-called fictional autobiography with Ellis himself as the main character tormented by figures from his past,adjusting to married life in Suburbia copycat killings from AP. Many characters from his books are characters in this socalled autobiography, delighting his hardcore fans.
'The new Bret Easton Ellis book is out today, stand by for controversy.'
by banky123 July 16, 2006
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The action of doing a Big Bret consists of seeing a message, ignoring it, and responding 1 to 3 weeks later.
"Damn it! Boby is pulling a Big Bret on me! He's not responding to any of my fucking gosh dam mother fucking messages!"
by MeTheMystical April 15, 2022
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He is an extreme ass kisser, the most heinous of all. His sole purpose in life is to kiss chocolate starfish or blow any upper management at the drop of a hat. He resides in Witchita, KS but been spotted in St Louis, MO
Man get a load of Brown Lips Bret workin his magic! Whose ass will he kiss when he's the CEO?????
by brown lips January 10, 2008
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To say that someone is so bret is to insult them beyond the point of recover. It is the ultimate diss.

You're so bret.

It could me that you are so:dumb, idiotic,( or a variety of things )
by くりす August 16, 2008
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just no and no
the teachers probably hate their jobs and you can probably to tell
by askylea September 18, 2019
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To send an image of your junk to a female via a picture message.
Doug: Dude, remember Paige from the bar last night?
Kevin: Yeah. Did you give her the Bret Favre?
Doug: Of course!
Kevin: Did you remember to use the zoom!
by Shivels February 26, 2011
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Person 1: Yo do you know what a Bret is?
Ben: Yeah Nate Eggleston told me.
by Child_Eater3000 April 21, 2020
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