The most basic of all filters in many graphics editing software, it blurs adjacent pixels to a varying degree to create a very smooth image. Compared to real camera out of focus blur it looks very artificial. Some teenage girls use Gaussian Blur on their Myspace angled portrait photos to hide their ugly pores and pimples ending up looking silly, comparable to a man with a plastic mask and a vendetta.
You gotta be kiddin' me! Nobody is going to believe that the Gaussian Blur you just applied is real! You should have used the Lens Blur instead for more realistic look.
by Photodeus July 16, 2009
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Makeup primer to blur out those pores and other imperfections.
Vlogger: "I start my makeup routine with the blur sauce. This one is from Sephora." ~sassentric
by Sassentric August 21, 2019
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Blurring bricks occurs when two people decide to perform anal sex, due to the other hole being closed for construction, and the receiver doesn't properly clean their anal cavity. The giver then smears the poop along their butt cheeks, hence "blurring their bricks."
Angela and Cole were getting hot and heavy but one of them wasn't mentally prepared to have vaginal intercourse yet so Cole ended up blurring bricks.
by Gweny911 December 1, 2018
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1.What you say while drunk and about to pass out after someone asks you how you feel
2.When you are disgusted by what someone
1.Your drunk, are you ok?
Blur Vomit!

2.She's ugly, but I'd hit it
Blur Vomit!
by Russel0506 August 15, 2008
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Best home brew RPG ever made. A RPG made in RPG Maker 2000, it told the story of a worker named Talan who is framed for the Directors murder, a murder he did not commit, and he is trying to escape The Agency, before they captures him. Along the way he learns that The Agency and it's notorious invention The Catch Colony are not exactly what it seems, and he is on the verge of walking on the thin line of good and evil.

Unfortunately the game was never finished, but the story that was finished, gives you a good idea how it may end, if ever completed.
A Blurred Line is amazing.
by Naedeslus May 28, 2008
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A mental condition which allows one to exceed or surrender boundaries temporarily, usually occurring when under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
"I NEVER do this! But... If i drink enough I get blurred lines."
by Amyjesydsmom August 17, 2013
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