To purposely tell someone what they want to hear but also giving yourself excuses and reassuring someone that what is happening is neither their or your fault.
Teacher 1: Jack told me that he can't take the test tomorrow because he has been really busy even though according to him he thought I did a great job explaining it to him. I think I'm gonna give him an extra week.
Teacher2: Oh please, he's just blowing smoke up your ass
by thickjordanianbooty101 June 2, 2020
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Tobacco Smoke Enema (1750's-1810s)
The tobacco enema was used to infuse tobacco smoke into a patients rectum for various medical purposes, primarily the resuscitation of drowning victims. A rectal tube inserted into the anus was connected to a fumigator and bellows that forced the smoke towards the rectum. The warmth of the smoke was thought to promote respiration, but doubts about the credibility of tobacco enemas led to the popular phrase “Blow smoke up one’s ass.”
I don't trust him, he's just trying to "blow smoke up one's ass".
Oh don't believe him, he's just blowing smoke up your ass!
by Chafu August 19, 2009
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1) Very busy, usually because to-dos weren't consolidated properly. (Used chiefly at a restaurant)
2) It can also refer to the crazy things a specific table wants you to do for them.
3) Sometimes, it can refer to other restaurant problems, like someone going crazy or something being broken.
1) "No. I'm blowed up. I have four tables now and was just double-sat. I have ten drinks to get out and two orders to put in."
2) "My table is blowed up. I just got them extra ketchup and mayo, the old guy is sending his steak back, and I have to get three refills."
3) "Don't bother Jen, she's blowed up right now."

by funshine912 February 4, 2009
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forceful excertion of vomitus or fecal matter.
if you're gonna blow up in the bathroom, you'd better pick it up
by theo November 1, 2003
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phrase used to suggest calling someone
Yo, where's Mike?
I don't know, blow him up.
by Joe Dizzle November 19, 2003
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The ever-increasing size in which a girl's booty continues to take shape.
"Molly's booty is blowin' up! It just won't quit-she's up and busted out her jeans"
by Molly Heise May 10, 2004
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This means not only to be stoned or drunk or pilled up, its a combination of one or another. This usually means to smoke weed until your mind is fucking warped and when that happens you cool yourself off with a 12 pack of beer, thusly completing the "blowed up" process. Practice this method with your friends and see what kind of interesting combinations you can come up with.
Gary: Dude I'm at Jr's gettin' blowed up. 6 percodan, 8 beers, and 4 bowls. Still standin' tall. BERNT. Don't talk shit about total!

Dillon: I'll be there in 5 minutes
by yourmomlovesmyjohnson09 December 6, 2010
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