When two cars coming in opposite directions and both signal for the same parking spot.
"I beat him on the blinker slinger back there. It was totally my parking spot. I'm a quick draw blinker slinger."
by Steve Capstick June 27, 2006
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The few short seconds of excitement when one's turning signal is in time with the car in front of you. Often short lived and followed with predictable dissapointment because not two blinkers are the same.
Oswald: Yo dude our turning signal is matched up with the minivan in front of us. Sweet.

Dartanian: Enjoy the Blinker Bliss while you can my friend it doesn't last long
by french dressing December 20, 2009
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Someone who does not have the mental capacity for a job they are doing. This results in them having a blank look on their face and not asking questions while being trained.
What do you think of the new guy?

I don’t think he’s going to make it. He’s a bit of a slow blinker
by 30beforeThirty May 7, 2022
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The single minded focus of someone who really, really has to take a crap.
Guy #1: What the hell, Matt just completely ignored me as he walked past!

Guy #2: Ahh dont take offence man, we had German food for lunch, he's probably just got turd blinkers on
by ArrV July 25, 2010
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you have to hit a blinker (on dab pen) on July 2nd
Yoo man its blinker day! You gotta hit a blinker on the cart bro!”
by wizguy20 June 30, 2023
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a driver of a vehicle in heavy traffic, that from an earlier, yet vain attempt at courtesy and using their turn signal, leave it engaged. then while abruptly changing lanes several times, cutting off other drivers, they realize it and disengage it.
Misty: Man I really hate people that don't turn off their turn signals and then drive like ass-hats.

Jeff: Yeah I hate blinker douches too.
by SilverDevil1964 August 10, 2010
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Fastest jerk off ever; beating off so fast, by the time you blink, it's over.
Dude, i just need a blinker beat.
by surf_princss February 18, 2011
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