A painful medical condition, characterized by inflammation and swelling in the anus or rectum, such as hemorrhoids--also rectal inch. This condition is known to give someone painful flatulence.
I was sitting on the toilet for longer than usual, suffering from a painful case of badass.
by Schmorgel March 11, 2008
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generally just being cooler than everyone else; kristen; jenna's middle name.
You're just jealous of my badassness.
by Sarah Beaver August 25, 2006
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/bad•as/ verb
Word used often as slang to describe something of significant awesomeness

See "Guts from Berserk" for more information
That guy is wielding a sword bigger than he is! That's fucking badass
by Cheeki bandit June 21, 2016
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Pro noun
1) Amber the redhead

noun: bad-ass

a tough, uncompromising, or intimidating person.
"one of them is a real badass, the other's pretty friendly"
adjective: bad-ass

tough, uncompromising, or intimidating.
"a badass demeanor"
by LilredGrammarNazi February 11, 2018
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To steal and idea which someone else has had and to claim it as your own.
"Roger Badassed my idea"
by Mike Rogers May 11, 2006
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