The most amazing person ever, Selena’s bestie, and has the biggest heart known to man, did I mention their gorgeous?
“You see April over there?”
“Well don’t say anything bad about her, or else Selena’s gonna beat your ass!”
by vlsdq December 24, 2020
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They can be very beautiful but have a lot of insecurities . She may be shy and cold when you first meet one but once you get to know an April they are a funny, loud bish. It doesn't take long for them to fall in love either and once they do they won't stop talking about there Crush but, she'll lie about having feelings for them. April's can be good girlfriends to she'll care for you and they'll never break your heart they will text you 24/7 and they will always come to your house even when not planned because they will love you to much. There also great stalkers If one of her friends has a crush there right on insta, Snapchat, tiktok to find your future mansss or girlss.
Hey, see that girl over there she's so pretty

That's an April
I've heard she's an amazing girl friend
by Fxckthisshxtimout November 17, 2019
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April's are one of the most gorgeous women out there when she laughs it'll make your day and when she cries it'll make you want to help her as much as possible. April is also the greatest girlfriend anybody can find, they are very serious about their relationship and will take lots of time into it. Most April's are Irish or Italian and most April's are Latinas, April's are bi-lingual, they can speak Italian, Spanish, Japanese, and much more. Most April's are also very flat, they have no ass and it seems they have no breasts but trust me, they do, most of there ass's grow when there 16 or 17 but never say anything you'll regret, they'll remember every single word you said to them and make it come back to you in the future. but other than that, April's are harmless and every April should be a model when there 16 and 17.
"Oh- Who's that?"
"Hm? Oh, that's April. She's gorgeous, isn't she?
"Yeah, but she doesn't have an ass."
"Don't say that dude! Just wait for nature to do its course. it'll come, and it'll come in hard."
by Andrei Corbett December 6, 2020
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Someone who is really good at animal noises and can bowl really good.
Dang I need an April!!
by Alparlow December 25, 2019
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A name given to a girl while her mother is to doped up on pain pills to think of a more creative/and or original name to give her child. And no, switching the "i" with a "y" in April does NOT make it any better. As for personality, how the hell should I know? You can't judge the personality of a person soley based on their name.
Boy: Hey! What's your name?
April: Hi, my names April.
Boy: (about to ask the most overasked/stupid question ever) Oh! So were you born in April too? *jokingly*
April:... *shuffles awkwardly*
Boy:... *blink* Oh my God you were! Hahahahahahaha!!
April: SHUT UP! My mom thought it was clever at the time! *runs off in shame*
by DW<3SW&TAOTLC July 27, 2011
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A girl who is sometimes sweet but cold hearted at the same time . Has her good and BAD moments and is a big follower
Kim:she just copied my user name
Josh: she must be an April
by Dysfunctionalatheart February 6, 2015
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The most amazing month ever in which only the coolest people in the world are born in.
April is the coolest month of all.
by mband21 March 23, 2009
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