I like salt on my Alligator Pears, and I just love to make Guacamole with them.
by Jayy1989 April 14, 2010
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While having sex with a women from behind you reach under her arms and put her into a full nelson and insert you cock into her ass, this will send her into a death roll to try and remove you.
Amy was upset last night when I pulled the angry Alligator on her.
by C.R.L. January 26, 2009
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When one exposes themselves to fiction that stimulates our negative qualities (like horror fiction) so that they can work through them in a healthy and harmless environment as catharsis.
Serial killers and other murderers appeal to the impulse Stephen King calls "feeding the alligators," and Carl Jung called "integration of the shadow self," but it all means the same thing: that entertaining our own dark side can be therapeutic.
-- 8-Bit Philosophy
by The Logical Fallacy May 27, 2017
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Tears that are fake, or are meant to deceive. Same as crocodile tears.
Man, that bitch was totally faking it with those alligator tears.
by gleenn May 14, 2007
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When a blowjob is given underwater and the person who is getting the blowjob gets their penis bitten off.
Woah dude you got a Florida Alligator, damn that must have hurt.
by nuttery October 25, 2017
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Performing the "Alligator Fuckhouse" in Lewis County.
That couple from Lewis County was way out in the country and decided to perform the Alligator Fuckshack. It was messy.
by NotNicole June 16, 2011
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While a man is going down on a woman, inevitably he will attempt to make eye contact. The moment when the eyes of both parties meet, from the female's perspective, the man looks like an alligator lurking in a swamp; only his eyes peeking up to be seen.
Girl 1: So last night, Mike was going down on me.

Girl 2: Ya and?

Girl 1: Well, have you ever noticed how proud they look when they are down there and look right up at you?

Girl 2: Yea, kind of like an alligator peeking up from the water.

Both girls in sync: ALLIGATOR EYES!
by brokeassribs January 16, 2011
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