An amazing, perfect boy. So stubborn, he`ll never believe you when you try to tell him how wonderfull he is. He`ll be able to make you smile, no matter how terrible you feel. He can make you feel protected and wanted. He will be there for you, through your best and your worst. Nothing, or anybody will ever mean as much to you as an Alex, because nothing or anybody can compare.
by YourGirlfriend:) January 23, 2011
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He is the sweetest guy you will ever meet. He will stick by your side no matter what. Has a beautiful smile.
Is sweet, funny, kind, a gentleman, lover, smart, everyone loves him. Ladies man. Cute. Best boyfriend ever. Has a huge penis. But if you get him mad he will beet the shit out of you. Quite muscular. And he is half English and half Sicilian. Also he lives in England.
1. Wow Alex is so hot and sexy.
2. I so want to be like Alex.
3. Girl 1: So how was Alex in bed last night

Girl 2: At first it hurt but after that he made it the best night of my life.
by girlfrfiend August 22, 2012
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Alex is very pretty and has lots of money and very successful she will be very famous one day. If boy very cool and has a lot of swag and also might be a famous football player.
by I'm invisible September 24, 2013
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Alex: a name used by both genders!

Male Alex: usually fun loving and gets very aggressive when you mess with him!

Female Alex: Mostly the most beautiful girls you can meet sometimes can be aggressive is you make her angry but is very party-friendly and loving but like i said cheat on her ITS GONNA BE HELL FOREVER!!!
Male Alex : Hey man!
random person : i got something to tell you!
Person: i accidentally kissed your girlfriend!
Alex: ITS NEVER AN ACCIDENT! i outta teach you a lesson
(1 minute later)
Person: okay i give up just dot hurt me!

Female Alex: Hey BF
Alex's BF: Hey Alex!
BF: um how do i put this I'M BREAKING UP WITH YOU!
Alex: excuse me but for who?
BF: for Jessica in math class!
Alex: UGH! That Sl**!
( 5 minutes later )
Alex: then i never wanna see you again!
by pioman March 6, 2009
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A god, superior to all... He is known for his extraordinary sex moves and the way his dick goes up like an elevator. He makes everyone envy him.
Harder, Big Daddy Alex... Harderrr...
by TheBestDefinitioner69 December 5, 2017
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The name given to a person whose greatness is unparallelled, and whom no mere mortal can hope to match. Someone who is so awesome that they are super-human.
I couldn't possibly hope to be as amazing as Alex. He's truly a god.
by wivs July 18, 2009
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He/she are truly one of the greatest friends you will have. They can be sarcastic at times but they are very loveable. They are one of the funniest people who you will ever meet. They aren't very sensitive most the time but they can be at the right times. If it is a girl they will love you non stop and they will always remind you that you are amazing and always boost your self confidence. If it is a boy they will cherish your friendship and never betray you.
by Analpadildo May 18, 2016
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