Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. A disorder were the affected finds concentrating difficultEasily distracted, is an overly hyper person, very impulsive, and is easily swuny into deep crevices of depression. As many as 25% of ADHD vctims also have Bipolar disorder, also most ADHD people are OCDObsessive compulsive disorder. ADHD victims are very delicate so one must be careful with them. Many people "Outgrow" ADHD when they become adults though at least half of the victims show symptoms later in life. Strangely enough a stimulant, MathylphenidateRitalin is used to treat it, it is not a cure but the stimulant calms the person down.
"Wow you are hyper, do you have ADHD?"
by Herald Goldminer October 23, 2008
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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioural condition (typically of childhood, but can persist into adult life) marked by a cluster of symptoms, including: hyperactivity, distractability, inattention and fidgeting. It is diagnosed more frequently in boys than girls and most commonly treated with Ritalin.
If you ask me, ADHD is just an excuse for naughty schoolboys to not pay attention in school.
by Doc_B April 16, 2015
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The biggest gift you can get from God.
It Makes you hyper... very... very hyper.
Like I can't even concentrate anymore after writing this much.
Problem with it is that you can't concentrate.
But the positive is: Do Sports and the Hyperness makes you a GOD!
That kid has ADHD, he's amazing at sports but shitty at school.
by Playge September 29, 2017
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1.An excuse of some sort
2.A ____ ____ hyper _____ acronim
3. when u daze off intuh.....HEY LOOK A SQU.... dah dah!!
1.Teacher>Jimmy, y did u kill marty??
Jimmy> I have ADHD.
Marty> twitch*
Teacher> Ok, But next time u kill some one its time out mr!!

2.jump jump jump jump* GASP* jump jump jump jump* ahhhhhhhh

3.I like peanuh...WUTDAFX^

4. dudili do do!!!
by ADHD-er-er July 11, 2008
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When a situation or occurrence or an individual is either surreal, eccentric, random or sudden and unexpected. Making one bewildered.
Individual with ADHD; Hey dude if you are going to the grocery store, could you pick me up a “ Hey look a Squirrel!

Individual who is Neurotypical; 😳🤔 ……. Dude that was so ADHD…

Someone with ADHD trips over a cable, and attempts to break his/her fall by grabbing the curtains ripping them and the curtain pole off the wall.

Individual with ADHD does something wacky because it is impulsive like pressing a button that says “ Do Not Press”

All scenarios above? are such an ADHD thing to do.
by ADHDivvy December 10, 2021
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'I have ADHD give me drugs or I'll pop yo ass." -HBCU College Student
by GOTY'M June 6, 2016
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Contrary to "contrary to belief", ADHD is a form of poor parenting and laziness. Symptoms of ADHD include inability to sit still or pay attention and excessive giggling and figeting. These are used to diagnose 6 year old so the result is huge amounts of ritilan, concerta etc. , a form methamphetamines,are prescribed to children
Me: why did you give me concerta for ADHD when I was 6?
Mom: you missbehaved to much and I'm a nurse so I know
Me: you mean you gave it to me because I was your first child and you had no idea how to deal with a noisy kid? I wish you just hit me because now I'm in college and literally addicted to a form of meth. Thanks mom
by mfurgison September 15, 2011
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