36 definitions by Doc_B

A severe and relatively rare form of mental illness in which a significant mood disorder (depression or bipolar disorder) is interspersed with periods of chronic psychosis even when the person's mood is normal. Less than 0.5% of the population are said to have this condition.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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A serious mental illness marked by violent and wild oscillations between extreme euphoria or irritability (mania) and deep depression. Although it is technically classified as a mood disorder, it is one of the few psychiatric conditions in which psychosis occurs; it is usually associated with severe manic states but profound depression may also cause delusions and hallucinations to emerge. The psychotic features are usually mood-congruent, e.g., believing oneself to be Jesus Christ and Lucifer for mania and depression respectively. It's an illness of extreme opposites in mood, thinking and energy levels and a severe mental disorder that, at least in its classic form, goes infinitely beyond what mentally healthy people experience and most certainly not to be trivialised. It is also worth noting that the mood swings associated with this disease are sustained and typically last weeks or months, years in the most extreme cases. Ultra-ultra rapid cycling (extreme mood shifts in a day) is exceedingly rare.
Bipolar affective disorder is a severe mental illness that in its most acute form is potentially worse than schizophrenia.
by Doc_B May 3, 2015
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A mental health condition characterised by recurring panic attacks and subsequent dread and avoidant behaviour in relation to the episodes.
Panic disorder can lead to agorophobia - a disorder which in its severest form renders the individual housebound.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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Also known as OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder is a neurotic mental illness in which intrusive, negative thoughts and/or impulses which regularly enter the person's mind (obsessions) are counteracted by repetitive acts or rituals performed to alleviate the anxiety and general distress created by these obsessions. It is possible to qualify for a diagnosis of OCD if only obsessions or compulsions are present, although the vast majority have both.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is much more than being quirky or a bit of a neat freak.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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Used as a descriptive term for someone who takes a moment to warm up in social situations they don’t really want to be in in the first place and prefers not to be spoken to, unless they’re extremely familiar with you.
John: ‘Megan was just sipping Bacardi juice at the back of the room all by herself at that party on Saturday night. She seemed to get on with Amber but she didn’t even utilise the opportunity to cling to that one voluntarily-imposing buddy all night. What on Earth’s wrong with her?’

Chizoba: ‘there’s nothing wrong with her; she’s just the reticent type. Some people are like that, enjoy their own company. She might not walk around glad-handing every new face that she doesn’t technically-need to interact with but once you get to know her and break past her reticence you’ll see that she’s actually a really nice gal. Some people need less social stimulation (outside their tight-knit circles, and even then there might well be limits) than others and that’s absolutely fine. All 7 billion of us can’t be exactly the same and have precisely the same wants and needs. People are different. You’ll realise that as you socially-mature.
by Doc_B August 15, 2022
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Formerly known as "multiple personality disorder" and/or "split personality", DID is a severe mental illness in which the person has two or more distinct personalities, which form entirely different memories and characteristics. Commonly confused with schizophrenia.
Dissociative identity disorder is extremely difficult to treat.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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Also referred to as major depressive disorder, major depression, unipolar disorder or simply depression, this illness is a psychiatric condition marked by severe feelings of despondency and dejection, typically accompanied by changes in eating and sleeping habits, anhedonia (loss of interest), fatigue, somatic pain and, at the extreme, suicide ideation. Also occurs in bipolar disorder (depressed phase).
Clinical depression is a serious mental illness and quite different to the ordinary sadness we all experience from time to time.
by Doc_B April 14, 2015
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