A midwestern US term for grabbing the waistband of someone's underwear from the back and pulling it up as high as possible while screaming "JOJO!"

A.K.A. wedgie, snuggy.
"I jojo'd Dave so bad he'll be shitting fruit-of-the-looms for weeks."
by eats February 28, 2010
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A Jojo is not a JoJo, that's a different term. A Jojo is a confident, daring person with a large soft side that only their true friends see. They joke around but only the weak minded understand their jokes. They love a nice party. A true Jojo is loyal & is always there for people. Jojo's are a great companion.
Person 1: Omg my boyfriend took me out to dinner and got me a beautiful diamond necklace!
Person 2: He's a real Jojo, that's for sure.
Person 1: Glad I broke up with my last bf, I'm not so fond of JoJo's, lol.
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A stupid child, with no remorse for anyone. Jojo always says dirty jokes, and does not know how to do math because he is very stupid. Jojos should be put in a mental hospital, because they are not funny at all!
Jojo does not know 2 + 2!

Have you heard of Jojo? The kid who got in trouble 3 times already?
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A weird kid who likes boys and has really bad hair!!!
Ew is that JOJO
by Poooooooodfbjkhfegljhbvp October 28, 2019
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a term used to describe a nasty vagina
jake smells like dirty jojo
by wonka 1231 December 8, 2006
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Jojo is a HOTTT guy! He gets all the girls, but ignores them cause he only likes one that’s perfect for him. He hates being called by his real name which happens to be Joseph/Joe. He will never fail to make you smile or laugh. Jojo is charming, hot, funny, competitive, athletic, adorable, cute, and VERY huggable(and dirty-minded.) He is loyal and would never break his girl’s heart. If you’re friends with Jojo he usually messes around w/ you a lot. He loves sports, especially football. If you’re his crush, you don’t want to let him go, that would be idiotic. He will never miss a chance to be with you. Jojo is protective and would jack up anyone who messes with his loved ones. He is SUPER charismatic and knows how to make anyone fall for him. He says he’s not smart but in reality he is intelligent! Jojo can goof off in class and get in trouble because of it. He likes to stay up until 4am just to talk to his close friends. He has great hair and doesn’t like it when people touch his hair and fixes it after someone touches it. Every girl seems to chase after him. Jojo is the best person you could have in your life. He always has your back and gets you through those tough times. Jojo can be shy at first but will open up quickly when you become friends. He will love you with all of his heart and go past the limits to keep you safe. Anyone would be lucky to have Jojo in their life. Overall, Jojo is PERFECT
Look up the words hot, perfect, smart, funny, huggable, and loving. Don’t be surprised. Jojo is the literal definition of all of those

Girl:“You see that super cute guy over there.”

Girl2: “Yeah, his name is Jojo

Girl3: “Yeah and he is also perfect! I don’t know about you guys but I’m gonna go talk to him!”
by anonymous girlie <3 October 17, 2018
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A simple term to call someone that is a shitty indy or professional wrestler. Also known as a yarder.
Guy 1: "Damn, that kid is a jojo."
Guy 2: "Get that jojo out of the ring".
Guy 3: "So this jojo was firing up on me and I short-arm clotheslined him".
by Stone666 February 5, 2009
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