The day you kiss your girlfriend/boyfriend or ask out your crush
The day I will kiss my girlfriend is December 13th
by Mah732 December 12, 2019
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it’s march 13th !!!
what’s so special about march 13th…?
by danianiana May 1, 2022
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Someone who goes to ANY 12 step meeting for the purpose of looking for a one night stand. They see people in recovery as "low hanging fruit" and tend to prey on them for their own sexual gratification whether it be a one night stand or a friends with benefits type situation or even a relationship.
I warned her that he might try to pick her up at the recovery meeting, he was so obviously a 13th stepper. He had always been a predator to ladies in recovery.
by Marla_Singer June 21, 2019
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mum-‘ what you doin today?’
me-‘mum its 13th of may, im goin to my boyfriends house.’
mum-‘okay, use protection!’
by l0v3.ly7n January 2, 2022
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Basically the day you lose your childhood innocence. You become to old to have fun and people start expecting shit from you. You become a teenager. Your parents realize you’re not their precious baby anymore so their tone towards you changes. You turn from a kid to a teenager. Your 13th birthday is the day you lose your childhood and start getting treated like a grown up. To all you twelve year olds, trust me, it’s not that great, all of us 13+ kids would love to go back to our childhood.
Your 13th birthday is the end of your childhood and the fun and innocence goes right away with it.
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx September 8, 2020
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Give you’re bf love and affection and maybe head if she consents!
Girlfriend-Babe it’s May 13th i love you so much lemme suck you’re dick
by pussydestroyer2012 May 11, 2022
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A very unlucky day, especially when it's march and the year is 2020.
My friend: It's Friday the 13th, we're doomed!
Me: Haha

A few hours later
Me: He's right, but it's only for 2 weeks, right?!
1 year later
Me: T-T please... I just want to see my friends

COVID: FOOL, the power of Friday the 13th has given me unlimited power and I shall never die! Bwa hahahaha!
by udontknowmeidontknowu March 18, 2021
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