Quacking in the manner of a mallard is what one should do when faced with any ridiculous and unneccessary comment from any idiot in any social situation. It is commonly used by me as a term of derision and contempt.
Idiot: Wow! Did anyone catch that episode of Dawsons last night. It was totally cool!

Me: Quack.
by imnothere27 February 3, 2010
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The sound a Jesquigoduckster makes.
by affraid_of_quack January 29, 2009
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An annoying friend who always seems to bring up stupid points and goes on and on about them.

A person who if they were talking on on a SNL skit, the people would laugh at even though he wasn't trying to funny, he's points are just stupid.
"Oh hey guys, I was drawing a circle today and...(30 minutes later) pretty cool huh"
by Pat November 3, 2004
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So my girlfriend is on her period this week, and ive had to settle with quacking off.
by Same Cup Ward July 21, 2008
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The strangely annoying squawking sounds that most ducks make.
The duck quacked madly at the flying hamburgers.
by Mongooose August 3, 2009
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in very complicated chipmunk terminology this sound is often referred to as "sex" or even "fuck" in the mating season (12 Months a year).
"Damn woman you look fineee! we should Quack!"

"Why yes, a quick Quack is what i need right now."
by chipmonk182 September 4, 2011
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Thanks to Apple device auto correct, "doctor" is frequently corrected to "quacks"
Yeah, I have an appointment at the quacks tomorrow.
by azlairian November 1, 2011
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