When your are a little too coke’d up to keep your erecton so you quickly switch to a finger
I was banging Kim and had to use the Swiss Army knife.
by Technosmash October 7, 2017
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Is when any type of warehouse worker which uses a box cutter set there box cutter down and it disappears.
Man ricky got knife jacked again that's the third time this week
by Grimreaper738 November 13, 2020
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A person who is limp like a noodle in person but behind your back or when you aren't looking will harden up and insult you or act tough.
John is such a noodle knife. He waited until I left to talk bad about me.
by high6ix67 June 13, 2018
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Dog shit. Used by old Londoners/Essex folk to describe a dogs mess.

(Half open a pen knife and lay it down and you’ll soon see the analogy).
Watch that pen knife boy
by Ed33 May 25, 2021
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A sexual act between two females in which each woman's ”Big Toe” is entered into the others vagina simultaneously As an act of camaraderie or partnership.
I heard those two were Knife sisters...
by Temptation Jones March 2, 2020
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A rape defense.

A woman inserts a knife in her uterus with the handle facing up and the blade facing down.
This way when a man tries to forcefully take her, his penis will be stabbed by the knife.
“I’m a eunuch.”
Aw shucks man, how’d that happen?”
“I tried to give it to Bernice, but she had a Uterus Knife.”
by oocheeha December 16, 2021
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