Like Boing-flip, if somebody insults you, this 'twirls' it back in their face, in a girlry fashion.
Alex: Ella smells!
Ella: Girl twirl!
by ella-bella22 May 25, 2007
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when a boy dumps a girl and then tries to get her back is a hollaback
when john dumped becky, the later saw her at the club hew tried to hook up with her, but she rejected him because she aint no hollaback girl
by kellizzle forizzle September 17, 2005
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A boy or girl who walks around "bowling it" in their fake burberry trousers, Nike cap and "blingin" gold chains. The girls also wear large gold hoop earrings and tie their hair back so tight that their faces stretch. Known collectively as rudies.
See also: chav, townie, pikey, etc.
"Oi mate wot u fink ur lookin at yeh? Dont mess wiv me im WEL ARD."
by Sarah October 29, 2004
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A Girl Gamer is a female from the ages of 13 - 25, who claims to be a gamer that plays video games. They will refer to games such as Candy Crush, and constantly label themselves as a girl gamer.

They have also been known to take selfies of themselves licking or inserting part of a console controller into their mouths.
"I'm such a girl gamer. I play Candy Crush and Farmville."

"Look at that girl gamer, licking that Xbox controller."
by LaughingKitsune March 29, 2014
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A girl with an extremely tight vagina and loves creampies. Very freaky, also into black males. She loves it doggy style and prefers to not shave her genitalia.
Hey, look at Corina the Rice girl. Damn the pussy STANKKK!
by Victor Dilla June 23, 2009
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Girls who go to EA! These girls are some of the most gorgeous, smartest, coolest girls ever! From their great sense of fashion to their accurate estimations in math, they are just all around... unbelievably awesome! Wearing their collars popped and their North Face Fleeces, these girls really know how to have fun! EA Girls love shopping, hanging with friends, and HAVING A GREAT TIME! EA Girls hate bad grades, slutty girls, and annoying, immature boys! These girls are the best! "Truly great friends are hard to find... difficult to leave... and impossible to forget!"
OMG!!! I really want to go to EA! I would love to be an "EA Girl!"
by Anayis May 10, 2005
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