A conversation of speaking of words of hypothetical or imaginative descriptive scenarios
Lucy: "What would you do if I grew a pair of wings and flew but flew into a street lamp?"

Johnny boy: "I would laugh with my homies."

This is hypothetical speaking imagination conversation
by Shanti Stuffman September 30, 2022
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People that consistently sit close to conversations but refuse to let the conversation flow down the table. For instance you have to lean into the middle of the table to talk.
Wow I can't talk to Jack because Kevin Murray is a giant conversation blocker.
by GrandpaButch June 23, 2010
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A move used to completely shut down a conversation by using a self-destructive, nihilistic viewpoint to derail the other person entirely.

While you're a piece of shit for doing it you still win in the end.

Equivalent to using the Dark Hole card in Yu-Gi-Oh.
Dude 1: Dude you have to vote. If everyone thought their candidate wouldn't win how did technical underdogs like JFK win?

Dude 2: Why? The world's already predetermined to end. We're already gonna die in a fiery balls of hatred that our ancestors created for us. Just like Dr. Manhattan said "it's already too late" everything is already too late. Seriously dude nothing. we do. matters.

Dude 1: Whoa man you just laid down a pristine level 60 conversation voltorb!

verb form
Dude 1: Hey bro I just started the paleo diet.

Dude 2: Why? So you can live five extra years at the end of your life eating grass? What the fuck is the point? Nothing matters, the universe will still go on whether you're fat or not.

Dude 1: Alright fuck man why do you have to voltorb every conversation we have?

Dude 2: Because fuck you.
by Mister Poopybutthole March 29, 2016
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A conversion breakup is when your boyfriend breaks up with you because he realises he's gay.
Me: Why did Sara breakup with Mark.
Jenna: It was a conversion breakup.
Me: Ooh that explains a lot about Marks personality anyway so its not that shocking.
by ppooooppyy August 10, 2020
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Overheard or participated in conversations and or scenarios relating to biosecurity measures in social distancing during to the corona virus outbreak to prevent passing or bio matter from one person to the next that are absurd in nature.
71 year old lady has a fall and goes face first into the concrete lined tar road.

Social distancing conversation:

Woman stands 3 meters away and says:

"Are you ok? I don't want to get to close because I don't know what you have".

Social distancing conversations:

"Stay five feet away from me" a lady screeched at me while holding a large walking stick to to both threaten me and measure the distance between us.

Darling, we are in an aisle in the pharmacy, and you're shitting bricks and ready to clout me with your walking stick because I asked if you were in line.
by Rusty spork March 25, 2020
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A reaction to taking a new drug or medication that is so abrupt and paradigm-breaking that one immediately realizes that life, and one's perception of it, has been fundamentally and irreversibly changed. Named so in analogy to a religious experience, and as a portmanteau of "pharmaceutical" and "Damascene conversion".
Yeah, I was in pretty bad shape when the EMTs pulled me out of the wreck, but then they put the morphine in the IV and... man, I had a pharmascene conversion.
by TheBarsMyDestination July 26, 2018
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When you already have one member of the opposite sex in the bag and you try to get another as well. This usually ends up with you loosing the one you already have. Chances of success are slim.
Corey was drinking at the bar one night with his friends. He found a chick to go home with but then got greedy and went for the two point conversion with a female fire fighter. He ended up going home with his right and left hands instead
by Phill Latio September 23, 2008
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