When you shit on someone’s mouth with their teeth closed and stomp it through their teeth.
That kid Bradley pissed me off, so I gave him a Belgian Waffle Stomp.
by Loganno January 14, 2019
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aka breaking someone's windpipe in a very painless way (literally making it shatter into pieces)
usually performing a death stomp will make you seem like a bloodthirsty psychopath to everyone who witnessed it
"Yo, did you get that jackass?"
"Yeah, I got him good, I gave 'em the death stomp"
by banflimflam May 15, 2022
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The act of pooping in the shower and then having to stomp it down the waffle drain opening.
John lost control of his bowels in the shower and ended up having to waffle stomp a corn dog.
by JPOnslaught November 21, 2022
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Synonymous to the expression ‘dampen your sparkle’ or ‘burst your bubble’ and should be used as such
Don’t wanna stomp out your sparkle, but I think that might be the whole point.
by metawhore November 30, 2021
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A female stomps on your dick repeatedly until it is swollen and then the female shits on your dick.
Man: "I had to go to the E.R. last night because my girlfriend gave me a stomp dance."
by •_____________• November 10, 2013
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Getting your Urethra filled in with fresh snow and then getting your penis stomped on by steel-toed boots.
Bon Jovi got the old Minnesota Stomp Cock treatment for being late to lineups.
by Ryan9877654 March 31, 2021
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A curb stomp, also called a "California smile", "Chicago kiss" or making someone bite the curb is a form of assault in which a victim's mouth is forcefully placed on a curb and then stomped from behind, causing severe injuries and sometimes death
Kurb stomp I don't know what to put but you're sus as fuck my nigga
by susususus October 2, 2015
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