Sammy is usually a small person that is very nice and mean at the same time. Sammy is a hoe and a nice person
Sammy is 4’1 at the age of 10.
by Kobe is my life🗿 October 16, 2019
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Has a massive cock and will make you scream (I know from experience)
by drkelfman November 23, 2021
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He has a massive cock that will make you scream!!! (I know from experience)
by drkelfman November 24, 2021
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An idiot in your friend group who does not take anything seriously and is overall a massive troll, can also mean charming or hilarous.
"Ugh, hes such a Sammy, wish he would stop"
by Sammyman51 November 7, 2020
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A beautiful cute boy with glasses and curly hair who is really smart and caring.
by Doctor Gurvera November 6, 2021
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a girl who fool you trick you with her lies of faithfulness and she demands qualitys in her man that she doesn't poses herself ,hipocrit, stubborn, lies and is selfish but not al the doesn't like to share her money or her man ,however she may not be as loyal as she demands ,but an easy girl to spend time with but may change her mind and run of at the blink of an eye ,,ausie raper Cheapie nails her person in a song which sammi is bound to like EVIL BITCH
sammi rennee being defined as loyalty ,honesty ,respect must be given to sammi, just dontr leave her unattended for to long she wil come up with a fictional story, being defined and loyalty,honesty,respect wil go flying out the window along with her underwear, if they haven't already
by Maccapaccapippa April 19, 2018
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(STB) Sammy The Bull.... Minus the snitchin.
You better watch out for the horns of bull and the matador
.. play with the bull you get the horns. Remember (STB) Sammy The Bull girvano story.
by Gladiator88 March 28, 2020
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