An American brand of processed cheese product that is manufactured and sold by Kraft Foods, introduced in 1950. Kraft individually wrapped "slices" are not really slices off a block, but formed separately in manufacturing.
This cheese tastes like a cat. Like if you ate a cat, this is what it would taste like. It’s cat cheese.
by Filazafer May 27, 2021
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A door handle that has been dipped in cheese
That stupid heck joe just touched the cheese door lol haha hah
by glixxxxxx October 3, 2019
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Cheese chunks melted in water that you serve on toast with pepper for breakfast
“Mom! Make me some wet cheese. Mom! I want the Bradbury special right meow!”
by Incognitmoe February 9, 2022
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a bad or unenjoyable thing, event, or smell; derived from the powdery film left under your fingernail after having scratched the upper part of your buttcrack and not having showered for a while.
"Man, that last game of Mario Kart was poo-poo cheese! I only got hit with red shells the whole time!"


"Oh my god, that smells like absolute poo-poo cheese."


"I'm playing insert game here like ass today."
"Yeah man, you're poo-poo cheese right now."
by poopoochzman September 29, 2021
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