1. when a group of close knit friends come together to figure some shit out
"damn i wish i had the PIS (private investigator services) team to help me figure this out"
when a group of close knit friends come together to figure some shit out
by the psi team August 2, 2023
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Really cool and everything but please stop doing that weird car draw all over the city it makes me uncomfortable and they don't even look that cool to do tHAt amount of draws
Pi por favor para de hacer dibujos y cómeme la boca ya
by pedropachecopiss November 24, 2021
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‘“Oh goodness no,” Guy would say—“Anthony’s holding out for canonization!” Anthony was rather pi.’

(Miranda Carter, Anthony Blunt: His Lives (quoting Jackie Hewit)
by Dictionary Johnson July 16, 2023
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Susan let me Pi her on our date last night!
by turbo1889 October 29, 2020
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Susan let me Pi her on our date last night.
by turbo1889 October 29, 2020
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i guy who probably named himself after a movie about a tiger because they are so cool.
pi: hi! my name is pi
x: like the number??
pi: not again please
x: 3'14159265.....
by capybaraenjoyer November 21, 2021
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when the pi a pi
“a pi”
by ooooooooowoooooooo February 12, 2022
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