The skid mark left on the toilet lid when a person has to shit really bad and they realize the toilet lit is down, after sitting down. Causing them to slide off the lid to lift it.
I didn’t realize the lid was down and accidentally made a brown comet
by Lulu Bean January 30, 2022
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When someone is new to the internet, roughly from 1 second to 3 years, for them to learn the ropes and how the internet works. After 3 years on the internet, a Brown beard would become a Grey Beard.

..It's usually your grandparents who would fit in this bracket
"We got ourselves a new Brown Beard!"
by The Unintelligent Librarian August 28, 2019
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When someone has a perfect cylindrical shit that they call “ a brown baby” and the lassie eats your ass and sucks it like a dick.... brown baby beej
“Mary, I have a serious shit coming, fancy giving me a brown baby beej?”
by Scott&LiamVsEvil February 10, 2020
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The act of someone performing oral sex on you while wearing shoes you have defecated in.
Karen developed pink eye after giving Hershel a pair of Brown Trout Moccasins at his Bar Mitzvah
by Marfield January 8, 2020
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When someone comes in your while sleeping and gives you a blowjob. You wake up to it but pretend your still asleep. Complete in their mouth while yelling your own name.
He tried to come in my room and give me a BJ while I was sleeping. He tried The Antonio Brown on me at universal studios.
by Meowboo1 July 14, 2022
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A term for a cougar on a downward slope (losing looks, allure money, attitude, confidence, etc.).
"Did you see Sheila last night? She used to be such a cougar, but damn that apple is browning. Fast."

"Oh, she's so sad. Clearly she doesn't realize she's a browning apple."
by Cattocius February 20, 2012
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When the sani-hut water is frozen and you take a shit, and it slides around.
My shit just slid around on the port o potty blue water, like a brown hockey puck
by cmglzr February 23, 2023
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