It's like poppin' swags, but like a toaster.
Person 1: I have swag.
Person 2: Excuse me?
Person 1: I'm poppin' swags like a toaster.
Person 2: That sentence didn't make me any less confused.
by Gangster Fart March 16, 2014
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Another slang term for a woman’s who ha
That dude just wants to put his dick the toaster of that hoe over their
by Misslinds March 28, 2023
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Something I would like to have
Also an amazing way to wake up
I’m so depressed and want to have a bath and toaster combo.
by Ianyourgod April 13, 2022
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A tasty, jelly strudel on a lightly toasted, whole-wheat scrotum.
1. My girlfriend loves toaster scrudels.

2. Flavors are cum yum, strawberry slut, fudge pack-d, bananna nut buster, lemon love N/A in cherry or grape.
by LampyLamp May 14, 2014
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When a man engages in anal sex with a woman who has not cleaned there nether area before hand.Which then continues to insert the penis into the vagina without cleaning it.
Person 1:Dude did you hear about John's sloppy toaster with alexa
Person 2:Yeah I did dude,and its totally gross.
by Cowboy On the Road December 21, 2013
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someone named kayla who goes by everything even objects
stfu you pig toaster 3000
by asjbfhjuefueiswvbgiueswrg December 4, 2021
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A tiny person who has been dubbed "anne" because she is annorexic and she is looked doWn by tall people
Tori the toaster is soo skinny
by A Man Who Knows His Shit January 29, 2017
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