National tell your best friend your crush day is on August 31. This is for the people with stubborn best friends, so maybe on August 31 they will finally budge.
Best friend 1: hey its national tell your best friend your crush day
Best friend 2: omg no way?!?!?! are you finally gonna tell me??
Best friend 1: yes i guess... its &@^^@**@&@
by yourwelcomebtww August 30, 2023
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A platonic male friend, especially when you're a girl
He's just my dudelee friend, Dad. we are not dating!
by Ee DOG September 13, 2016
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A pig friend is that friend who eats all your food but ensures you food for your life. A friend that is there for you any time and helps you with all your shits. That one friend that lives you the most.
Friend1-"Sara is a pig friend but I love her"
Friend2-"Yeah she is but she loves us very very much"
by Saratulooo December 22, 2019
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What someone says when they see a person dressed badly or with a bad haircut. They don't have a mirror to see what they look like or a friend to tell them before they leave their house.
Ralph:OMG! Poor girl. No mirror no friends.

Chris:You're right, that outfit is at least 3 sizes too small
by Raphael5 May 23, 2016
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it can be a good guy who call you when he find diamonds, or a moth&rf*ck&r who stole YOUR diamonds.
by XingLingXong May 9, 2020
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they basically don’t exist becuase my social life is falling apart 🥰🖐
i don’t have a sentence “my friends” it’s 12 am
by youdontsay November 10, 2019
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