he’s homers dad. NOT ABRAHAM LInCOlN!!!!111
hello there guy: aberagam gincoln is Abram simpsn

no: Nono it’s Abraham Simpson
by epicman77 August 18, 2023
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What you say when you overhear someone plotting revenge as an allusion to Dougie from South Park who said it repeatedly to Butters
Carrie: "I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights, slashed a hole in all four tires, and carved my name into his leather seat to avenge my ex-boyfriend for cheating on me".
Karen: "Simpsons did it!"
Miranda: "I walked into a bar and attacked his new girlfriend because I'm an immature little girl who can't get over my ex like he got over me".
Karen: "Simpsons did it, Simpsons did it!"
Carrie: "They did not!"
Karen: "I know. I'm just saying what Dougie said to Butters whenever he plotted revenge against the people who wronged him".
Miranda: "South Park is a stupid show. The main characters think hunting is stupid, so I hate that show".
by chad'srockergrrrll February 15, 2015
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May refer to either:
(1) The only variety of lettuce that sugar/salt/meat-'n'-potatoes-loving Homer and Bart can manage to choke down.
(2) Any biological offspring fathered by "The Juice".
According to reference.com, ol' Juicy has had four children... zheeesh, the very thought of that many black-seeded Simpsons running about gives me the willies! Let's just hope none of them ever turn out like their hot-tempered and socially-irresponsible papa, eh?
by QuacksO March 30, 2017
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Getting into a fight with someone when they steal your Great British pound coin.
Wow man, almost had a Max Simpson the other day with this homeless guy on spice. It's okay though I knocked that bastard the fuck out.
by Chinese Kevin March 7, 2019
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A fucking manwhore at heart, but cant seem to get laid.

Person1: "hey have you met danny simpson?"
Person2: "yeah, hes so downbad"
Person1: "agreed. yet when the time comes... he does too, early asf"

Can be used as an insult, meaning stupid, or whore
by DannyHater2921 January 4, 2023
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Guy the Third is excessively tall. He is allergic to bees, trees and grass, so essentially all of nature itself. Guy is very creative and intelligent. He has a lovely smile and is great at filmmaking, editing and color-coding spreadsheets (even when it's unnecessary). Guy is devoted to his partner and cats as well as his Mentor, Brian (who is an immortal badass). Guy sometimes hears things differently than how it is told to him. Probably a bi-product of millennialism. But all in all, he is a great Guy. He literally is Guy.
What's with all these colors on the spreadsheet? You really Guy Simpson 3 (Guy'd) the shit out of them.
by Bwian The First November 29, 2021
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Using a sausage with a hole carved through lengthways as a straw for a drink
Look at that guy using a Simpson Sausage Straw
by solarB August 23, 2022
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