A person, (eg. Harald), who's addicted to watching YouTube and/or gaming, or other forms of screen use.
Man 1: Man, Harald is such a screen addict
Man 2: Seriously Harald, get it together
by xXxXx69yeetmaster69xXxXx March 25, 2019
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Getting flashed in the eye from the bright light of a screen
Jane woke up and reached for her phone but got screen-blazed.
by gserif October 4, 2015
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When you instantly screenshot without thinking.
Girl: post ass picture in group on Snapchat
Guy : instantly screenshots
Guy: claims it was impulse screening
Girl: says all good
by Spottablevirus May 20, 2018
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An article or blog, read on the computer, that is so fast moving, interesting or captivating that the reader is anticipating the what the next screen, by scrolling down, will hold. Similar to a 'page-turner' that a good novel is referred to.
"Justin's new blog on his movie review website was phenomenal, a real screen-scroller. I couldn't take my eyes off of the monitor."

"Did you see the latest rant on Justin's blog? It was a real screen-scroller because I couldn't wait to read what he was going to attack next."
by Coot77 October 26, 2011
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Looking at someone else's screen to find them on the map
Me- **playing Slay.one with my friend**
Friend- **Looks at my screen**
by Purely_derpy073 May 23, 2017
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To be transfixed by the screen on your "smart" phone.
Joe was so screened out he did not even hear the waitress ask him for his order.
by pRODIGAL1 January 13, 2012
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When you can't figure out how to put references using Beamer on a presentation due in a few hours, then do figure that out.
by LebaneseOverthinker July 4, 2020
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