12 definitions by pRODIGAL1

The means by which ants communicate with one another.
Word went out over the anternet about that food you spilled and now we have an ant-trail leading into the kitchen.
by pRODIGAL1 December 31, 2011
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To be hypnotized by the screen on a "smart" phone.
Ashley was so screened in she did not realized the train left without her.
by pRODIGAL1 January 13, 2012
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Any moment "caught on tape" (pic or video) that is posted on Facebook.
That drunken picture of you just got booked.
by pRODIGAL1 December 23, 2011
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Someone who is a slave to fashion, in spite of violating the rule of "form follows function".
The fashion slave was wearing his hooded sweatshirt (hood up) while sitting at a bus-stop in the blazing sun.
by pRODIGAL1 January 7, 2012
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VOICE-activated TEXTING done on smartphones, thus, the term, VEXTING.
Are you vexting another text into your smartphone?
by pRODIGAL1 November 27, 2011
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Not enough money--inadequate cash.
I'm not going to be able to go--I'm a little short on numbers.
by pRODIGAL1 December 25, 2011
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To be transfixed by the screen on your "smart" phone.
Joe was so screened out he did not even hear the waitress ask him for his order.
by pRODIGAL1 January 13, 2012
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