The text response to a mate who is completely spangled and sends you a nonsensical text message. It tells them that they are talking complete bollocks so rational replies aren't required
Hey, I was thinking on Saturday, No Friday what am I talking that we could nnnnnnnnsjdfjdfjdsdj

Ming Ming Nah Nah
by Olsburger September 7, 2016
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Mark: "hey can you do something for me?"
Me: "nah"
by Fifamagic August 9, 2019
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I want to make a sodium and hydrogen jk but NaH
by 7H3 5P4N15H 0N3 December 19, 2021
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A fusion of the words "no" and "yeah". Used to annoy people who ask too many "yes" or "no" questions; or to say "yes" and "no" to controversial topics to avoid upsetting anyone.
Question: should marijuana be legalized to the same capacity as alcohol?

Answer : Nah

Question: did you put the bacon in the freezer yet?
Answer: Nah
by Christian Writer October 13, 2018
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A girl says this when she thinks she's ugly and fat when she's so beautiful and amazing
by Usethisonbeautigulgirls September 29, 2020
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