the word used in the generation of people who also use ridiculous pronouns
how gives a flying fuck about today's generation? ratioed this ratioed that lmao.
by angermanagment November 9, 2021
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When a reply is claimed to be valid or correct simply for having more likes than the original comment therefore proving that sometimes the majority simply means all of the idiots are on the same side.
Oh you got ratioed and that somehow makes you wrong and us right even though idiots outnumber geniuses by 1000s to 1.
Me: Smart mother fuckers look like crazy mother fuckers to dumb mother fuckers
You: ratioed! and what? I don't get it.
by Rdy2dstry October 4, 2022
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aside from the twitter meaning- also means when guys are kicked out of or not let into a frat party to maintain ~the ratio~
yeah idk if we'll should bring him he might get ratioed
by ffrat rat June 4, 2022
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A term used when people like Aaron Thomas try to have clever names for their fantasy league but end up backfiring on them and end up being a hypocrite by saying “Nah, that’s not how it works.”
Aaron: my team names gonna be UrGayIfULose.

Others: I guess your 8 times gayer

Aaron:“Nahh that’s not how it works”.
Others:man just got Ratioed.
by Ratioed February 13, 2023
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A term used when people like Aaron Thomas try to have clever names for their fantasy league but end up backfiring on them and end up being a hypocrite by saying “Nah, that’s not how it works.”
Aaron: my team names gonna be UrGayIfULose.

Others: I guess your 8 times gayer

Aaron:“Nahh that’s not how it works”.
Others:man just got Ratioed.
by Ratioed February 13, 2023
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When the amount of guys to girls in a group that are all hanging out has a lot more girls then guys.
Yoooo bro you had a fire ratio last night. Why wasn't I invited?
by Derrick Donny July 17, 2017
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