The family was getting ready to move again, so they cleaned their temporary home, also known as gypsy nesting.
by creatiffany December 24, 2014
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Gypsy punk is a hybrid musical genre that crosses traditional Romani music with punk rock, was active mostly in the early 1990's. Gypsy-rock encapsulates “rebellion, anarchy, and resistance”. Many Gypsy-rock bands sing in many different languages, often switching languages in song.
Person 1: What happens when take away guitar from a rock band and add 50 different cultures?
Person 2: That's Gypsy-Rock dude
by Jaimerz September 21, 2015
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A guy who looks like a gypsy and has mad stains on him
Hey Tijan is a gypsy stain
by Best is chloe May 30, 2022
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A Mexican common saying meaning that If you drink on Monday you drink all week. In spanish in rhymes: Ley gitana- Si tomas en lunes... tomas toda la semana.

If you drink alcohol on Monday the gypsy law requires you to drink alcohol all week, otherwise a curse will fall upon you and no one wants a gypsy curse.
- Oh man, I'm so drunk right now
- Dude, it's Tuesday what the fuck?
- Yeah bro but I drank yesterday and you know what the gypsy law says... if you drink on monday you drink all week. Hold my beer bro *pukes on himself*

- Hey dude! Let's go grab a beer

- Dude, no, be careful. Today is Monday.
-So what bro?! Let's get shitfaced

- No dude, I don't mess around with the gypsy law. If you drink on Monday you have to drink all week or a gypsy curse will fuck you up and I don't want my kids to be born with bad luck.
by Artistic artuggo May 2, 2022
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A man who is really a gypsy but claims to be white to taint white women's genes.
He pulled a Gypsy Effect and told her he would put white babies in her.
by Draco012 December 23, 2020
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Gypsy Ikea

When you buy shoddy furniture/housewares that can only have been stolen from Ikea by a gypsy looking for some extra bucks!
Robert " shit man, this bed frame seems to be missing screws & parts! Wtf!!!"

Angela " I told you to stay away from that sketchy Gypsy Ikea stuff. It's just trash not even fit for a raccoon!!!"
by Mad_signtist September 16, 2023
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When you buy shoddy furniture/housewares that seem can can only have been stolen from Ikea by a gypsy looking for some extra bucks!
Robert " shit man, this bed frame seems to be missing screws & parts! Wtf!!!"

Angela " I told you to stay away from that sketchy Gypsy Ikea stuff. It's just trash not even fit for a raccoon!"
by Mad_signtist September 15, 2023
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