When you pay what you believe to be a woman $100 dollars in quarters to shit on your chest, but later it’s revealed that it’s a 47 year old Filipino man.
Let’s go to the massage parlor and get a Michigan Magic Trick
by Poopyturdsmcgee April 26, 2023
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Adding shredded cabbage to vaginal discharge that's been spiced up with trichomoniasis parasites.
If you get into that central Michigan coleslaw the hole in your wallet from a trip to the clinic isn't going to be the only thing that's burning.
by PuppyJack7 September 6, 2021
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When you have doggy-style sex with a girl so hard that she throws up in a wide-spread fashion for a few seconds as you pull on one of her limbs.
Guy 1: "Hey bro, so how'd it go last night?"

Guy 2: "Dude, she was a little tensed up and freaked out."

Guy 1: "Dude, did she hurl on your floor?"

Guy 2: "Yeah man, she went all Michigan Flamethrower"
by FreshCut March 1, 2012
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when a man is receiving oral and sneezes, causing the blower to be startled and accidentally bite down
hey bro did jessica blow you last night ?

yeah but i got a michigan muncher

shit man
by 69 savage June 7, 2017
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A former scheduling system at the University of Michigan, where classes scheduled to start on the hour actually started at :10 past. A source of much confusion.

Now, just a fancy, outdated way of saying "10 minutes late," with the implication that you've lived in the hellhole that is Ann Arbor for a while.
When Sally missed her flight by 10 minutes, she realized that the real world did not run on Michigan time.
by DontCallMeLateForDinner March 22, 2022
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Sexual Position Involving 2 people roleplaying their idea of what Cowboys from Michigan would do.
Have you tried the Michigan Cowboy with your new GF? It’s so much fun.
by Michigan Man Handler March 27, 2022
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