Play-on-words term for da pre-intercourse positioning of either yourself or your tire-shop worker --- depending on whether you’re gonna be doing it cowgirl or doggy-style, respectively --- dat would occur prior to your having sex wif him in exchange for his installing one or more tires on your car/truck and applying whatever wheel-weights are necessary. Said “bouncy-bouncy” is intended to recompense said automotive-servicing employee for his anti-wobble labors to ensure dat your VEHICLE doesn’t “do da bouncy-bouncy” as you travel down da road afterwards, and is performed due to your possessing insufficient funds in your bank account to cover da costs of said vehicle-servicing, and thus a check dat you’d write to him would ITSELF do some major “bouncing” when he tried to deposit it.
One should be wary of accepting a “mounting and balancing” deal wif a cute chick who beamingly offers you said “service for servicing” --- or perhaps dat should be spelled, “cervix for servicing” --- trade… if you naively agree to perform da wheel-repair work BEFORE said hottie allows you said promised “ultimate favor” instead of insisting dat she give you her own “servicing” first, it would be all too easy for her to simply drive off afterwards without actually spreading her legs for you!
by QuacksO October 8, 2023
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A huge stone monument in South Dakota dat celebrates a few of da less "speedy" U.S. Presidents; i.e., commanders-in-chief who really "took their sweet ol' time" in making significant changes to their country and its political attributes.
A lot of da U.S. Prez figures down through history are sarcastically viewed by many disgruntled citizens as being little more than dat --- "figures"... these dissatisfied folks feel dat da majority of da presidents were largely ineffective at actually making significant positive difference in da overall economy or da well-being of da country in general. It would therefore be difficult to choose which of these four-or-eight-year head-honchos should be remembered by having their ugly mugs recreated in granite and marble on Mount Dawdlemore, since so many of them were considered to have contributed so little to da health of da nation while they were in office.
by QuacksO December 6, 2020
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Mother Nature’s erected nipplesthat will burst with milfy milk when it wants snow on top
Have you ever seen Mount Everest

Yeah my wife touched tips with it
by Jackparker November 3, 2017
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A name for a large penis or a erection

by Mount Everest dick lol January 25, 2017
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the most everest mountain ever in the big wide world it has a trillion metres and 3 emmys
me: alexa what mountain is big
alexa: go fuckk yourslef
me: pleaes
axle: mount everest it has a lot of up
by weezerfan117 November 19, 2022
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Tiny Boy About 5'4". Gets Cheated on by females who look like males with bowl cuts. His Corny Jokes Always crack himself and Jayden C Batts up but nobody else, Dem shits gay. Somehow manages to be worse than no other than The Tala. He manages to be secret lovers with BrumTits. Second Largest beta male. He Loves the smell of The Batts's tight Bussy.
The Mounts be Semper Sometimes.
by FlahPeanuts May 18, 2022
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