When bing's search results are so poor you begin to doubt your own sanity. Derived as a parody of 'ret-conned'
"I really got confused when I looked up the definition of sakes, truly was a bing-con"
by JoyEmpire August 5, 2021
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When you manipulate your family, friends, or significant other into ordering food that you like in the hopes they will not be able to finish their meal and you could eat some.
fat con
"I'm thinking about getting the shrimp parmigiana hero."
"Really? I hope the shrimp is good. Have you had it before? The calzones look delicious."
"You're not worried about how the shrimp is. You're working the fat con, aren't you?"
by Mr Yellovich July 14, 2016
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a genre of bypassed 18+ games on the video game platform roblox, typically out of style now.

the name most likely comes from the word “consent”, just switched around to get past the bypassing system.

considering roblox’s main demographic is children, it’s pretty gross. :( luckily roblox is better at catching these bypasses, so they're much less frequent nowadays.
“Hey, wanna play that sent con game I told you about?”

“Alex, you have issues.”
by jesseistiredd May 5, 2021
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The magical, mystical, heavenly home of all the prisoners in the universe.
Bob, the anal rapist, was about to get a key to con-dom heaven, the judge would for sure throw the bookie at him and he prepared for the wurst prison possible. A year at the most, he said to himself as the word "life" sizzled into his penis sized brain. His heart raced. Beads of sweat...Bob: "A year in heaven is less than I deserved, butt thank you sir! I shall do my best to keep them al happy!" (www . youtu.be/-48OFresMkI)
by You rReal Name July 9, 2020
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Also known as PCS, Post Con Syndrome is self explanatory. Basically it's the feeling you get after any con (E.x: Anime con, Comic con, etc) that's like the hype you had during the con. Sometimes it can last for days, weeks, even months.
Ugh, Kumoricon was so fun, I have Post Con Syndrome from it. And I love it.
by cactus5390 February 21, 2016
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Phrase used on the internet (founded by a man going under the alias of Flamecrest) to express your disapproval in a longer sentence than 'No.' or 'GTFO.' Counterpart of 'To vote pro'.
"We shoud totally have a Urban Dictionary sub-forum!"
"Hell no, I vote con."
by FDman May 18, 2010
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Alternative proper noun, created solely for:

Timothée Hal Chalamet (youngest ever Oscar nominee, Best Actor, and all round beautiful person).

So delicious a specimen is he, you'd think he'd made a pact with the devil, dang it.
"Timmy Con Carne? (sighs in exasperation), what I wouldn't give for just one taste"

Timmy Con Carne? Hubba hubba! Gading! Gading! Gading! Whoop! Woop!
Chalamet! Chalamet! Chalamet!

Timmy Con Carne? Yummy a.f. mate! I'll have 10 portions.
by @natty_bom_batty November 15, 2021
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