The act of getting so drunk that you pass out on a piece of furniture, typically a couch, fully clothed. The “actor” proceeds to blow chunks, traditionally a noodle based meal, on to the furniture and his person. Two or more participating males remove clothing and vigorously wipe down the actor and furniture piece removing said chunks with sponges or clothes, thus completing the “Turkish Couch Bath”.

n. Subsequent cleaning of the furniture by minor children is also referred to as a “Turkish Play date
C-bone: “TJ got so ripped last night he ended up puking up Mac salad all over the couch and himself. Damien and I had to give him an old fashion Turkish Couch Bath.”
by Big Ticket76 November 27, 2021
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The act of defecating into a sock and hurling said sock towards a target. Often but not always preceded by a Turkish homerun.
Lacking anyone with swinging distance of his fresh poop sock, Franklin instead opted to launch a Turkish Airstrike towards a crowd of confused bystanders.
by FrankRizzo3rd October 12, 2019
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person who is late

if you ask Turkish Polices for help they'll come to crime scene hour and hours later
Tinder Date : Are you turkish police? I've been waiting for you for an hour.
Fella : aww sorry
by moon n roses August 6, 2020
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Inadequate, half-assed, widespread negligence, inability to follow basic standard engineering procedures using sub-standard materials when maintaining or repairing large mechanical items. Influenced by the cultural belief that all is "as God wills."
Please don't use Turkish Maintenance on my new Outback. I paid 18K for it and I need it to get to work for the next 10 years.

Current condition of the Parthenon in Athens can be seen as an early benchmark of what is now called "Turkish Maintenance."
by sparklingdark December 17, 2016
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The poofy haired vagina of an overweight 40+ Black haired woman that has a pickle fragment dangling from within its entanglement of mingle twine.
Dude, she took off her panties and there it was, a Turkish hamburger. She had to be 40+ and queefed pickles.
by Bungfolio the Great!!!! August 31, 2017
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Her first job out of highschool she answered an add to be an enetertainer on a cruise ship and she ended up being the main attraction at some random turkish saloon for about 3 months until she died.
by BeardSalad August 23, 2023
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The most glorious call of duty username known to man kind, he is better than any other player
Cole: man I wish I was as good as the Turkish twinky

Eric: me too
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