Vito was jus whacked!
by Jim April 15, 2005
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the sound that a whip makes.
"Get back to work!"

mush mush *Whack* mush *Whack*
by WordRepoMan April 5, 2013
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1) When power is applied on a diesel locomotive and then engine revs up.
2) People shout WHACK when window hanging behind a diesel locomotive, when it revs up and starts to thrash.
"Whack it up driver!"

*driver applies power on the loco*
by Tomton THD June 18, 2020
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To tug on one's penis. Often called "jacking off." Very, very pleasurable.
After a hard day of work, I like to whack it because it feels really good.
by Tanzeel Ahmed February 11, 2006
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1. Street slang, meaning "bad".
2. To assassinate another "mo-fo".
3. Nickelwhack
1. "Man, that's whack!"
2. Tony the legitimate Sicilian businessman got whacked.
3. Hairy Canadian band.
by Schubert November 26, 2003
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