A powerful form of puking that is accomplished with such force that it seemingly exits the mouth as straight as a laser beam.
"You should have seen it man, Horatio smashed the keg-stand record and then laser vom'd across the room!"
by john larue October 5, 2008
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"Some girl didn't make it to the bathroom and pro vommed all over my bathroom door!"
by MG Piz February 25, 2009
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The physical and/or mental "ride" you take when something and/or someone disgusts you.
When I think about how they are going to have to invent a new STD because you already have the rest, I take a ride on the Vom-a-tron.

Looking at Christina's creepy, ugly, fat-headed baby sends me for a ride on the Vom-a-tron.

Walking into work every day is like stepping into a Vom-a-tron.
by Skizzlerrr June 19, 2010
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When a person or animal unexpectedly vomits out of the blue.
"My dog just walked into my room and unexpectedly let out a Vom-Bomb."
by Scarce Spideris April 2, 2017
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Alcohol induced vommiting
"ah i drank so much last night i Vom Perignonned all over the place"
by Vera Ramone November 23, 2008
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When a person sneaks off to chunder when they've had to much to drink and return without anyone noticing.
Friend - "Hey where'd you go?"

Drunky - "Toilet"

Friend - "Cheeky vom?"

Drunky - (Nodding) "Cheeky vom"
by Jessie_Gal June 13, 2010
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To vom a lot; To engage in excess vomiting; or to vomit in large quantities--The word is most commonly used by itself to metaphorically represent a negative reaction to something that is "vom-worthy" or "vom-inducing" (i.e. sickening/nauseating)

Related word: Mega-loathe (original reference by the character Dr. Perry Cox featured on the television show "Scrubs")
{Upon seeing two people making out
intensely in public}

Vocal Reaction-Response: "Mega-vom."
by Farah Ahmad May 19, 2008
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