A person or persons originating from tweed heads located on the nsw border next to Coolangatta (coolangetto) tweed scum generally live on Kennedy dr or in close proximity (eg honeysuckle st, rose st) Adidas and Nike trackies are the clothing of choice

Best time to spot tweed scum is on dusk walking along Kennedy dr pushing a trolley with a carton of vb cans in it.
It's easy to spot tweed scum houses as there is usually a few trolleys a broken pram or two and more often than not a an old ripped up leather lounge
Excuse me sir are your going to pay for that hose u just cut of "no way bro I'm tweed scum I not pay fo nothin cunt tweed breed fo life"
Often holding middle fingers crossed on hand to make a w showing they are from the west side of tweed

Straight out of k drive the Australian version of Compton
by Etak snikpoh January 7, 2014
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The result left on one's arm after a session of anal fisting. Generally a combination od lubricant and dried faeces.
He was wearing a lovely tweed sleeve his boyfriend gave him.
by mindcandy February 10, 2010
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Pseudo-Southern slang for really good marijuana.
"Son, I was smokin' on some BOSS tweed laz' night, ya done heard what I said?"

"Hellz yeah. Hellllllllllz yeah."
by shintriad March 2, 2007
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A hot blonde who starred in many Cinemax/Showtime soft porn movies in the late 80s and 90s. She also has had a long-time relationship with Gene Simmons, the lead singer of KISS. Great tits.
I just saw a Shannon Tweed flick that made me hard.
by TheRealDeal77 September 14, 2008
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A really cool guy, who loves the ladies, and his bulmers. He is great fun, and a laugh to be around. He is so funny, he even makes himself laugh.

Some say he's a legend (including himself)
by PRETZEL1234321 July 26, 2011
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A Tweed Breed is a person from Tweed/Tweed Heads in the north east part of New South Wales. Tweed Breeds live in the slums.
Person 1: Where you from?
Person 2: Tweed!
by jh1234 December 16, 2007
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