One who wastes time watching You Tube videos (particularly when they should be working.) Computer variant of couch potato.
"They gave that you tuber a raise!? Every time I pass his desk he's watching videos."
by namowal October 25, 2008
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a person who use a under mounted gernade launcher or just a gernade launcher and only that to get one shot kills in a video game such a CoD4.
the gun ak47 from cod mw2 with gernade launcher attatchment know as a noob tuber
by ButteR45 April 19, 2010
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when someone did sumthing really cool or crazy or stupid and you don't have a camera all you have to say is that it's a you tuber
damn larry papini that was a you tuber moment
by swag4me August 3, 2007
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A Doom-tuber is someone who creates videos predicting the "end of the world" or Doomsday prophecy, in any numner of different ways, and post them to Youtube.
The Earth will be destroyed on December 28th, it says on one Doom-tuber video I watched
by Skolman December 14, 2016
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a testicular growth that is caused by too much wanking without ejaculation
rosie: " at first i thought jason had two cocks but it was jus' a cum tuber."
by theWestHamfan November 22, 2003
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OMFG Tuber is awesome. SK Played him 1v5 Last Night an lost 24-0
by HeatoN August 30, 2003
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