mooning is when guys drive around in a car with their boy-buns showing out the window.
A bunch of us cadets are going to drive around campus mooning and showing our boners for Halloween!
by eda-skip October 20, 2021
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thinking of someone you are in love with
"are you still mooning over your man?"
by p12etty October 21, 2007
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When you put your phone on “Do Not Disturb” mode; comes from the iPhone DND logo
Sorry I didn’t answer your text, my phone was on the moon.
by meeeeeeeeeesh January 21, 2019
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years, used in the bay area aka the yay area
i've known my man devin for many moons
by Sonny Black aka stic boi July 24, 2006
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A pseudo gang started in Richlands NC. Consists of 10+ members. Rivals of The Suns.
'Isn't that *Name omitted*?"
"Yeah, hes in The Moons."
by The sinful Dr. May 3, 2009
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Being AFK on Facebook, long enough that a moon shows up by your name.
Jake: "Man, Jackie is always Mooning."

James: "I know I wish she wouldnt leave facebook on all day!"
by TheGreenLing May 9, 2011
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the moon is made out of cheese becuase it is yellerow!!!
The moon looks like cheese tonight because it looks yellow.
by len fan February 7, 2023
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