My sugar daddy lost so much money in the stock market that he is more like a splenda-man these days.
by Willow324 March 10, 2009
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A Splenda Daddyis a man who buys a women fashionable and fabulous fashions because he wants her to look her best. No sex involved, just shoes ... and bags, and clothes, and maybe a vacation or two.

Splenda Daddies look like sugar, taste like sugar but don't have all that extra calorie bullshit!
Check out my new Louis Vuitton speedy! My Splenda Daddy bought it for me.
by FashionKitty January 3, 2008
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the cutest, sexiest human you’ll ever meet. he’s got the prettiest eyes and poofy hair that you’ll fall in love with. caden has an amazing girlfriend who will destroy you if you hurt him.
by Heck Daddy April 7, 2019
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A less rich form of a cinnamon papa. Will invite you out to dinner but cannot expect him to pay for your dinner...or his for that matter.
My splenda daddy took me out to dinner yesterday, but I had to pay for all the shit.
by tabasco luver January 1, 2010
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A Splenda papi is an alternative version of sugar daddy. It is when the girl gets all the money without having to give out any "sugar".
Sophia was so excited when she finally got a Splenda papi because she could live a rich lifestyle without having to be a hoe.
by lit papis unite August 17, 2017
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A man who gives a lady money but gets no sugar.
My splenda daddy dropping off money still aint getting none.
by c<3l July 17, 2017
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An older man that is rich and is excellent physical shape. He is most likely on HGH or some other form of steroids. His sugar intake is minimal, therefore he has to be a splenda daddy. Splenda Daddys usually only date woman 20-30 years younger and will also wear clothing WAY too young for them...i.e converse and fancy belts with shiny belt buckles..
Dude that guy isnt a sugar daddy, he is rich and in great shape...he must be a splenda daddy.

sugar daddy older man rich guy hgh steroids
by ponzi_joe May 13, 2015
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