A man that is too pussy to do something.
Stop being a mangina and do it!!!
by alnichris August 22, 2005
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Slang used in MMORPG to represent a male playing a female character. Usually the role play is very convincing and done to the end of getting free currency, hard-to-get items, etc. from others.
You've got a forum crush on a mangina dude!
by sidephase October 10, 2005
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When a dude is such a wuss about something, his penis actually inverts in on itself creating a feux vagina, or "Mangina"
Jerome was such a whining pussy at work, his buddies began to secretly think that he had developed a mangina.
by blacks2000 August 27, 2007
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A gay man's anus. It is used the same as the word Vajohnny. It usually is referring to the anus of a male receiver during anal sex.
He douches his mangina before sex so it is nice and clean for his lover.
by Veggiety June 2, 2009
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Male who behaves like a woman.
I have to go home from the pub now in case my girlfriend calls. I am a mangina.
by dippa July 26, 2008
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To have female like qualities such as not being able to consume a lot of alcohol, complaining, and ditching friends to do non-essential things such as studying, or hanging out with a significant other.
This is a great party, where is micah at? Oh he's being a mangina tonight.
by Big Bobby McGee May 7, 2006
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A Male penis so small that should be considered a vagina, the average Mangina is 11 cm long and can't produce spermatozoa.
Whoah did you see skoofis dick?

Yeah that's a mangina if I have ever seen one!
by @lilcrablegs on ig November 13, 2019
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