Running out of ammunition during battle and needing to return to base for a reload.
Darrin: "I've got seventy-five Taliban advancing down on us QUICKLY! Bring that second drop 300 meters closer, DANGER CLOSE, DANGER CLOSE !!! Send it!!

Pilot Prick: "Ahhhhhhh, I'm going to have to make a nice coordinated 250 degree turn beforehand, standby... and ahhhhhhhh... only have one other 500 lb munition remaining.... I didn't think we needed a full load..."

Darrin: "Don't tell me you're Going Winchester already!"

Pilot Prick: "Ahhhhhh that's an Affirm. Not to worry, I have plenty of fuel for aerial surveillance or I can return in 2 hours fully loaded."

Darrin: "Listen, you two pump chump! Pound it and leave!"
by SquirrelSmuggler February 1, 2014
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The Winchester Rapist is a tall African-American guy. He is also very skinny, on account of his being a drummer. He is NOT a mild-mannered businessman by day; in fact, by day he is a Banshee. If you are a girl attending an arts magnet school in the Dallas area, you must take precautions against this perverted, sick creature.

He rapes his victims by hugging them. These deadly hugs never last for a period of time shorter than 20 seconds; often they are much longer than that. Another method of rape that he employs is raping people with the twisted, perverted things that spill from his lips. When not raping young, nubile freshmen, he enjoys chasing white boys through the streets.

The Winchester Rapist is widely believed to be an unstoppable force of perversion and evil; however, a little-known fact about him is that he has a deathly fear of ninjas. If you have a ninja friend, please keep him or her around at all times, for your own safety. Thank you.
Winchester Rapist: Hey, come gimme a hug...

(hugs innocent little freshman chick)

Freshman: Ahh! Wtf?! I"m being raped!

Winchester Rapist: Hella yeah babe... Hey, were the eff are you going, I ain't finished! Holy sit the ninja's here... Oh well, I guess I'll go chase that white boy.

(takes off after the white boy)
by Kumquat!Is.A.FunnyWord January 17, 2011
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A great mom of Sam and dean winchester who sadly, burned on the ceiling due to the yellow eyed demon.
A: they baby's crying
B: I'll get him
A: don't pull a Mary Winchester on me
by Winchesteer January 31, 2015
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Character on TV show Supernatural, played by Jensen Ackles. Good looking, funny, and sexy. Older brother of Sam Winchester.
sensible person: Dean Winchester is SEX!

teenage girl: Sam is hot too.

sensible person: shut up!
by Etta Love September 12, 2006
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is in love with castiel and would do the subtext with him
dean winchester did the subtext with castiel and samantha the moose walked in and went “so get this-“ and realised the subtext was happening and ran off
by stolebydeanmon July 28, 2019
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A "city" that is actually a town; northernmost Virginia but not NOVA; considered "South" by many. Residents love to hate it, though this is more of a popular movement than an individual decision. Big emphasis on apples - there used to be a lot of orchards and apple product production but many of those have now been sold and developed. However, apples still remain a defining feature of the town, as demonstrated by the town's largest public celebration every year, Apple Blossom, during which it is basically blasphemy to not be wearing pink and/or green.

Home to the one and only White House Apple Factory, as well as the legendary Snow White Grill (comparable to White Castle), the town usually shuts down pretty early (with stoplights starting to blink at 9 or 10 PM). Late night entertainment includes: bowling, WalMart, IHOP, strolls or burgers downtown or bars. Wide variety of characters, from the aloof county residents to the elite "old families" of the town.

Also a point of reference for surrounding, more rural areas and/or smaller towns such as Gore, Virginia, a popular place for camps and retreats with beautiful countryside and the birthplace of author Willa Cather.

Also affectionately known as: the Chester; Winkyville

*for the historically inclined, Winchester has been an important piece of many of our nation's formative battles and occurrences, especially in the Civil War era!
Harry: Who's that over there?
Lucy: That's the Smiths - they moved into that house on our street thirteen years ago!
Harry: Oh, so they're still new.

Rebecca: "I'm so excited to be going home to Winchester! There's nothing quite like the smell of fresh apple butter wafting through the air in the fall from the apple factory!"
(once she's home)
"Ugh I miss my friends and having a life."

John: Where are you from?
Alex: Frederick County.
John: Where?!
Alex: Winchester Virginia
John: Oooooh. Wait, where?
Alex: It's near Washington.
John: OK, so you're NOVA?
Alex: Nope not NOVA, northernmost Virginia.
by WINCchicky November 11, 2009
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THE REAL WINCHESTER: Winchester, or Winchedda, is a seemingly serene and quiet small town that radiates a familiar, “everybody knows everybody” type atmosphere. Down town Winchester, often referred to as dt, is quite a welcoming sight with its beautiful scenery and charming stores such as The Dugout, Joe’s Main Street Pizza, and Video Horizons. Winchester’s residents are extremely wealthy, privileged, and selfish, because their abundance of money never gets put back into the actual town itself. The high school is extremely run down and was designed originally to be a prison, making it quite a depressing confinement. The school never seems to have enough teachers or resources, yet its students’ families are drowning in affluence. At night the small town community practically shuts down, without a car in sight and the substantial population of senior citizens tucked cozily into their beds, sleeping soundly with all the financial comfort imaginable. Converse to the outward appearance of a subtle and lackluster nightlife, teenagers of the town drink like mad and party heavily. Growing up in an atypical society where parents grow accustomed to their children underage drinking and devote their efforts into preventing drunk driving and brainless actions involving encounters with law enforcement, the typical kid begins drinking at about 8th or 9th grade, becoming more routine and excessive with it through high school. Motivated by the lack of enlivenment of their town, the high schoolers throw massive parties, or “ragers”, whenever dim-witted and trusting parents leave town, turning their home into what is known as an “open house”. Parties are frequent as is the practice of alcoholism. Intoxication is heavily glorified, fueling most teens to drink enormous amounts of alcohol each night of the weekend. When there are no open houses, social gatherings are arranged in the fells (woods). Kids flock to well known places such as The Jumping Rock and Narnia deep in the forest, havens far from the reach of cops. Most every kid not only drinks but also smokes weed because of its ease of access. Somewhat ironically, it’s much easier to attain than alcohol. “Wake and Bakes”, when kids smoke before school are very popular along with smokeless tobacco. Athletes and jocks are expectedly placed on somewhat of a social pedestal, but in no comparison to most schools. Rarely will you find a stereotypical jock lurking through the halls shoving freshmen into lockers; that just isn’t Winchester. The football team is notorious for its mediocrity (generously put), however lacrosse and wrestling do extremely well. The majority of the student body is intelligent considering it’s a public school. The high school slang is incredibly unique and constantly changing. Doing smokeless tobacco is often called packing a dip, lip, bomb, ding, dinger, and even something as simple as packin’ a guy. Marijuana is often referred to as weed, pot, binger, ripping bong, and ripping bing.
-How many kids are getting down on the 30 tonight?
-I think 4.
-That's terrible. That means 2 kids will get 8 beers and 2 will get 7.
-Whatever, it's Natty Ice, higher alcohol content. Every 3 beers is 4 of any other brand of beer in Winchester, MA.
by OneLove1 July 8, 2009
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