The recent bout of self-destructive behavior perpetrated by Charlie Sheen, as defined by the actor himself in the myriad of interviews he's given to the national press.
NBC's Jeff Rossen: "Charlie, you recently lost custody of your kids and got fired from your job as the lead actor on 'Two And A Half Men.' What's going on?"

Sheen: "C'mon, Jeff, isn't it obvious? WINNING!!!"
by dookeyboy March 14, 2011
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An ironic display of triumph over a situation that is, in fact, partly or totally self-destructive or harmful.
Example #1: "My kid got into Harvard and it'll cost me my entire retirement savings to send them there. WINNING!"

Example #2: "I'm a reasonably decent actor with a fat bank account, but I've chased two wives and five children away with out-of-control partying, drug use and violence that's laughable for someone my age. WINNING!"
by PFabian187 March 7, 2011
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A lifestyle pioneered by Charlie Sheen and practiced by those in Sheen's Korner. This exclusive society demands Adonis DNA and tiger-worthy behavior of its members. You are either winning, or you're with the trolls.
Roger Ebert: I could get a million followers like Charlie Sheen did, but my wife would leave me and I'd be a poor lonely sap like he is.

Charlie Sheen: Yeah, you really don't know lonely till you've gone to town on 5 chicks at once. Still winning, plan better.
by fingerboom March 10, 2011
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a way to say epic without people wanting to shoot you.

on the internetz the exclamation mark is needed when stated by it's self; when used in a sentence the exclamation mark is optional

when the word is used irl it should not be said by it's self.
unless your friends are hip and know you're not saying "when!"
"dude i got two toys in my kids meal!"
"fuckin win dude!"

gr3g- ii got 2 toiyz in mi kidz meal nigga!
RalF- win!
by GregS. December 4, 2010
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Addressing an accomplishment of some sort. E.g when your average friend scores with a hot chick that's a win
I picked up hundred bucks today that's a

I just scored a piece of paper in that dustbin a 5 metres away that's a win
by MOTM November 2, 2015
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The one thing that Darwin, Dawkins, and Hawking have in common.
Man 1: I'm full of religious fail. How do I become a winner?

Man 2: By reading Origin of Species, God Delusion, and A Brief History of Time.
by 2hamsters1couple April 13, 2009
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