An individual's unwillingness to accept that people have different opinions. Often associated with the SJW (Social Justice Warrior).
Person 1 "I don't like pizza"


Person 1 "Wow, you're triggered"
by Wi11fr3d April 8, 2017
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Aiming a cock like a gun with your trigger finger on the prostate firing a round.
by ceraphin December 18, 2015
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A term to that Tumblrinas, Feminists and Social Justice Warriors use to explain how offensive something is. Most commonly used in situations where they see something where a Cisgender}, Heterosexual, White male exists.
White Male: *Exists*
imsofuckingtriggered on Tumblr: "You oppressive scum! Check your privilege! Your existence is triggering to women, LGBT and P.o.C! Kill yourself!"
by Hairy Pecker December 1, 2016
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Used almost exclusively as a way for angry right-wingers to show their offence by the content of a post without having to actually explain why they have a problem with it or defend their point like an adult, thereby protecting their fragile ego and assuring themselves that they're better than everyone else.
"I can't believe they actually elected a president who thinks global warming is a hoax."

"Explain why it's wrong."
by plff November 15, 2016
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when a "special snowflake" from tumbler or any social media is a little cunt and gets angry
by zenthon05 November 10, 2016
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A vehicle. Also: automobile, car, ride, whip, hooptie. Comes from the name of the Lone Ranger's horse, which was his method of transportation.
Yo dawg, the po-po towed my trigger after I got locked up for a DWI!
by 5-oh! August 3, 2010
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When one clentches their butthole very tightly due to an unsettling event or phrase they see/hear.
Adam was triggered when Brianna said that all men are pigs.
by AlwaysTriggered November 16, 2016
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