To be severely beaten by means of a patch-bay
Yo that MC was talkin shit to his producer and his producer patched him real quick-like for running his mouth...
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nickname given to an individual with patches or splotches in their hair, either from a bad dye job, irregular baldness, or natural depigmentation of areas on the scalp causing white hair.
Yo, look at patches, he looks like somebody exploded on his head!
by Manny S. May 1, 2007
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Getting Turnt, partying hard with illegal substances, getting drunk
I'm ready to get so patched at the party on Friday
by Ghetto girl May 13, 2015
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To be raped by a girl known in many circles as "The Patch"
Harris "Dude! who did you take home last night?"

Billy "I got patched"
by Henry Ferrari October 4, 2008
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a nickname given to an extremely hilarious girl who likes to play soccer and hang out with friends. Has a birthmark or "patch" some where or her face or head. Thus the name patches/
Look its patches! Look at her patch!!!
by Patches-is-the-shit July 11, 2008
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Rages like nothing you've ever seen. Gets er done to say it nicely. Is known to throw up the horns (preferably the double) if the situation calls for it. A true born valley boy, reps the valley till the end. Always up for a little ass in the computer lab. If found in close proximity to a SHA, you can be sure he'll have BB.
Ladies, I just scored myself a DR boy; and not just any I got Patch.
by DRdingo March 25, 2011
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when a man starts becomes so pussy wiped his penis fully retracts and replaced with a patch of hair
nick: you heard what happened to dave?

joe: what?

nick:he started going through patching

joe: ouch
by edilla February 8, 2010
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