A penis that, when erect, curves down resembling Gonzo's nose. Curves to the left, or right are also acceptable, if prefixed; ie: Left-gonzo; Right-gonzo.
"Look at the Gonzo on that dude...." I said.
"Yeah. What a Gonz." She replied.
by LONe1 January 11, 2010
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When you beat off onto a girls chest with your balls resting on her eyes.
"I was bangin Camilla last night and she wasn't putting much effort into it so i gave her the Gonzo... waca waca"
by DoBeDe May 9, 2009
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The act of putting the used blue rubber on a girl's nose after she passes out.
After we had sex, she passed out and I gave her the gonzo.
by Dog Fight June 10, 2004
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when a male puts his testicles on top of the shaft of his penis and shows it to other males like the "penis-showing game" in the film WAITING
"Matt showed me his gonzo and therefore got to kick me in the ass four times"
by Mike Pissalot July 18, 2006
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To write a paper for a class regardless of the fact that you are high out of your mind on some sort of strange substance.
My God! I tripped for so long that I ended up having to gonzo the paper that was due last friday.
by Chris P Crunch April 7, 2006
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Huge nosed mamal usually found with narcaleptic tendencies. Natural habitat: North Miami shopping malls and high school socials. Loves Jeefus.
by sharkattack February 10, 2005
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