big abs i will love you 2 the end of the world ps i have a big dick not no just big dick a monster dick
by SMALLDICKDADDY December 6, 2019
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Cadence usually known as Cady is a strong willed stubborn butt of a person. But after you spend some time with her she can be the best thing that’s ever happened to you she is always the prettiest girl in the room often being shamed by other girls by pure jealousy but when she can overcome her self loathing she can really put some attractive women to shame. Cady is especially important to snag for a relationship she is devoted and hard working to make sure that her partner is the happiest that they can be. The only thing she needs to keep going is some trustworthy friends
Oh wow your a cadence we’re friends now
by Yourmother@yourdad February 26, 2022
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Is better than Owen and has larger balls than Owen
Jesus fucking christ Owen, Cadence is so much harder than you!!
by VladimirOnlyPutin October 5, 2018
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Cadence is a four eyed hipster boy who rages with jealousy if he doesn’t get the lady. He’s a black belt and will karate chop your head right off your shoulders...but she still won’t date him.
Cadence won’t stop calling my girl but I’m scared if I confront him he’ll “Daniel son” tf outta me.
by Roaster83 October 28, 2018
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An annoying brat that gets what she wants and if she doesn't she cries to her daddy. SHe screams when someone unpopular is around her. Grade A bitch
That cadence is so annoying
by GayBabyJail123HackSmokesWeed November 24, 2018
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