kk is often meant as a quick way of saying "okay"

however, it has an alternate meaning that many don't know about. kk can be short for "Keke", which is the Korean equivalent of "Haha"...
american: hey korean guy! laugh!
korean: kk
by thisisapseudonym_ May 12, 2009
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ok ok! when ppl don't really care...just to show that they're listening
#1:I slept at midnight yesterday
by KKDD March 18, 2004
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On dutch gaming servers often an abbreviation of the word "kanker" which is dutch for "cancer".
Usually used to express anger.
After getting killed for the x-th time:
Player: kk
by Wouter Sonneveldt August 10, 2005
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cool, calm, and collected. She's sweet and salty.
by I'm an aries. September 22, 2019
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kk is the cute way to say ok when talking online
and smart people, not stupid people use it
guy: brb
girl: kk
guy: back
girl: kk
by donnelly September 5, 2004
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What originated as a typo (speculating) became just another txt word for little girls meaning "ok" or cool". However it has now become so mainstream even my boss has began to use it.
Me: don't forget you have a meaning at 10
Boss: kk
by imansy March 7, 2011
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a girly way of saying ok; often said by females ages 12-17
Boy: "I'll see you at 6."
Girl: "Kk."
Boy: "Wow you are such a girl."
by lalala008 December 19, 2013
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