What Sara Guyer is doing to Brandi Burkett Photography's blog and Facebook.
"Sara is stalking her wedding photographers blog and Facebook by checking it at least 8 times a day"
by iamnotsara November 7, 2011
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this is the verb used to describe the act of studying while walking!!!!everyones seen someone do it at some point!!it never works!
Jim:"have you studided for that maths test tomorrow?"

Tim:"No, but ill stalk to class"

Emma:"hey, have you seen Jim anywhere we were supposed to sit in biology together?"

Aoife:"oh, i just saw him stalking for french in the coridoor"

by tent-lady September 12, 2008
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A stalk is something that won't stay faithful, always persitantly trying to leech social status from several organisations.
He pulled a Stalk (he went into the wrong bed, again)
by Fishbot July 6, 2003
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Stalking is the intentional following of someone to control or harass the aforementioned individual as usually it's a jilted lover or a creepy person who's the stalker, but in rare cases bullies/gangs stalk someone that's usually a loner to harass/intimidate this outcast.
James was a gay former cop that was in love with a teenage boy named Kevin that wasn't interested in him, so James stalks/ follows Kevin in his White truck from Kevin's school because he's obsessed with him as this is intentional stalking. Ultra-liberal friends/gangs stalk a conservative loner to and from work for several years, because they believe he supports Donald Trump and because he called the cops to report them for assaulting/harassing him as this is deliberate stalking. Ultra-conservative reporters obsessed with AOC constantly stalk her or accost her out of hatred of her influence as this is obsessive stalking.
by jesuschristisnotreal January 27, 2022
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the act of standing in close proximity to a person of interest for a long period of time, eavesdropping with the hopes of jumping into the conversation. Feelings of intimidation, anxiety, and inadequacy usually prevent the person from succeeding, they just end up making a fool out of themselves. This would happen at social events (bars, parties, seminars, business conventions). Intentions can be sexual or job related (networking).

Matt has been stalking to that girl for an hour! why doesn't he just step into the group and ask her out so she can shoot him down!

Tom will never get that position at Leiman Bros if doesn't stop stalking to their CEO. That is bad from; he is completely out of his league!
by Mikey Fingers December 14, 2008
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Organized Stalking is a form of terrorism used against an individual in a malicious attempt to reduce the quality of a persons life so they will: have a nervous break-down, become incarcerated, institutionalized, experience constant mental, emotional, or physical pain, become homeless, and/or
commit suicide. This is done using well-orchestrated accusations, lies, rumors, bogus investigations, setups, framings, intimidation, overt or covert threats, vandalism, thefts, sabotage, torture, humiliation, emotional terror and general harassment. It is a “ganging up” by members of the community who follow an organizer and participate in a systematic “terrorizing” of an individual.”
-Mark M. Rich
by Gangstalked October 2, 2007
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